West Vancouver, BC, Canada
The Evelyn Drive project was an attempt to address the need for diversified housing through a re-densification around a focal area of the city. The site is near an important junction that connects West Vancouver to North Vancouver, Vancouver proper, and the highway leading to Horseshoe Bay and Whistler beyond. The site is also adjacent to a major shopping centre and transit zone making it ideal for a densified housing strategy for West Vancouver.
The site consisted of 65 single family residential lots situated upon a heavily treed site with a steep slope. The developer assembled 57 of these lots and the city of West Vancouver instigated the process to determine an appropriate density, unit count, height restrictions, and zoning. As a result of these initiations, the Evelyn Drive Master Plan satisfied these requirements while providing an urban fabric that is diversified as well as receptive to the existing context.
To achieve a variety of housing options, a mix of condominiums, apartments, single family houses, duplexes, and cluster houses was proposed. The concept behind the design of the buildings was developed by minimizing the building footprints to preserve the natural landscape and protect views from the properties to the north of the site. The mass of the buildings was organized for maximum view, both local and distant, and for sun exposure. There will be a total of 349 residential and one clubhouse which all residents will have access to.
Architect: Nick Milkovich Architects
Associate Architect: Francl Architecture